Have you checked your ladder?
“When reaching towards your dreams, make sure it’s your own ladder you are climbing”
When we read about the mega-success of acquisitions like Stephan Eckberg, who sold Travelstart for R648million, or the $44 billion deal Elon Musk secured for his Twitter takeover it occurs to me that although consuming news like this is intended as inspiration, it can also be rather depressing!
One of the problems of comparing ourselves to mega-stars is the danger of setting goals that do not match our circumstances. Social media and the popular press is full of one-in-a-million stories: multi-tasking mother of twins builds international company; happy couple walk into the sunset whilst running mega-successful instant success startup that saves the planet; boy next door wins big in lotto…
Let’s consider the effect of comparing ourselves to super stars. If we use their story as our benchmark, we end up setting unrealistic goals. The outcome of this is an inevitable feeling of failure. That sense of failure is part of the glass ceiling.
So today, remember that you are unique, and so is your situation. Set yourself meaningful goals. Avoid the mistake of comparing yourself to others. My trick is to remember that no matter what I do, my mother always thinks I’m incredible.
I am going to leave you with my favourite quote from Robin Sharma’s The Leader Who Had No Title. He wrote: “You’ll never know how high you can climb if you don’t even try.”