A Promise Made Is A Promise Kept
“If you can be anything, be reliable! Success is not about promising the moon, it’s about delivering what we promise.”
Our customers want to be able to rely on us. For example, they want to know that there will always be a stock of fresh bread in the morning, that their computer works every time they switch it on, and that our brand quality is consistent. They also want to trust… that when we say we will deliver 100 units on Monday at 9 am they can be sure we will do just that.
Staff want this too. They want to be able to rely on us for consistent leadership and structured processes. They want to be sure of a reliable monthly salary.
Over time, our reliability becomes our reputation. Our future is built (or broken) on this reputation.
So, this week let’s remember that success is not about promising the moon, it’s about delivering what we promise.
Have a great week.
Kind regards