If you want to grow a big business, you need a strong strategic leadership team. Investing in this team will ensure the long-term growth of the business and give...
Reliability is the cornerstone of success. When we are reliable, people can trust us. Trust takes years to build and can be destroyed in an instant, so it needs...
We often regard strength, taking charge and decisiveness as the traits of a good leader. Ideally, though, strength needs to be balanced with other elements of leadership: empathy, vulnerability...
As entrepreneurs and leaders our job is to be tough, but we also need support at times. One of the skills of personal mastery is to recognise when to...
Hiring someone with great skills and a bad attitude can be worse than not having anyone at all. A person who doesn’t fit your company ethics and spirit can...
Panic can arise in a range of fearful situations and business leaders can experience forms of heightened fear when business feels out of control or “going wrong”. This could...
Let’s refuse to be average as we keep searching, trying and testing new ways to do things, better ways to combine things, and more effective ways to delight our...
1 May was Workers’ Day in South Africa and it came after what seemed like a month of public holidays. Here is an entrepreneur’s humorous take on this holiday...
We all know the problem of not being understood – believing we are explaining ourselves clearly only to find that we are living in a bubble. What is obvious...
It’s important to stay inspired and aligned to your goals. This is the ability to access what is called the entrepreneur mind or the abundant mindset. This is the...