Have The Courage To Say Yes
“Success demands that we have the courage to say yes at the doorway of opportunity.”
As I watched the drama of the American election unfold over the past week and Kamala Harris line up as the first female vice president of America, I wondered how the younger Kamala saw her personal vision for this incredible future. Did she at some stage in her life pause a moment and allow herself to dream the possibility of playing the ultimate leadership role for her country
Perhaps it was a childhood dream (like ex-Prime Minister Bob Hawke who age 3 told his mother he would become leader of Australia and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who as a child reportedly dreamt of becoming ‘King of the World’), or was it something that only crystallised in formal coaching sessions as she reviewed her career and life path at the age of 50?
What is certain is that over the past few years a string of doorways would have appeared in front of her through which she would have had to step in order to achieve success. Doorways that she was able to recognise because of clarity of her personal purpose – which is to serve.
What struck me today, though, was the amount of courage it must have taken to step through these doorways, and to accept the journey all the way to the top of American leadership. The journey this far will have had its challenging moments, and the leadership role in such a divided country will certainly provide many more.
Her story is a reminder that to achieve great things we need to attend to four things. We need a clear sense of our purpose, be diligent in tackling the daily ‘hard stuff’, recognise the opportunities that will lead us to our goal and lastly, have the courage to say yes and step through these doorways, in the journey to our goal.
How many dreams have been lost because when the universe responded with the solution, the dreamer turned away from the opportunity, saying “not yet”. If we keep doing this, eventually the universe (and you) gives up and the dream remains just a fantasy.
This week, I wish us the discipline to polish our intentions so that our future dream is so clear that it already feels real to us, and then to have the courage to say yes and step through the doorways to success as they present themselves.
Have a fabulous week!
With kind regards