Innovating inch by inch
“To stay ahead – it’s our best that we need to improve on, not just our mistakes.”
Are you someone who, like me, loves innovation and has a mind that is constantly looking for new and better ways to do things? Kaisen (a Japanese culture of constant small improvements and adjustments) has long been accepted as a business method to ensure ongoing improvement.
I have noticed though that it’s all too easy when things are going well, to simply congratulate oneself for the win and only reflect and look for improvement when things go wrong. In reality, to stay ahead of the fast-changing world it’s our best that we need to be improving on, not just patching up the mistakes. Yet, how often do you or your team only reflect, dissect and improve what went wrong?
If we are to keep moving forward consistently the most powerful habit we can cultivate is to regularly ask ourselves “what can we learn from this?”. This question encourages us in a non-threatening way to make every single circumstance a chance to pause and reflect, and find ways to constantly move to the next level of amazing!
So this week, let’s remember to ask “What can we learn from this?”. I guarantee that no matter if your circumstances are good, bad or plain ugly, the answers will unlock fresh and positive thinking.