Inspired To Win
“The difference between leaders that are really successful and those that struggle is the ability to stay inspired to win.”
It’s important to stay inspired and aligned to your goals. This is the ability to access what is called the entrepreneur mind or the abundant mindset. This is the part of the brain where we really believe that we can create magic.
Being inspired to win means that you believe (regardless of what happens to you, good or bad) that you can make a difference.
This means the ability to access what is sometimes called the entrepreneur mind or the abundant mindset. This is the part of the brain where we really believe that we can create magic – we believe it is possible to create something out of an idea.
This is the creative part of the mind that we need to be accessing on a daily basis if we are going to remain inspired to win.
Unlocking the Lizard Brain
But to do this, what we need to fight against is the fear-loving part of the brain, sometimes called the lizard brain, which tells us we can’t do something, we are going to fail, maybe it is not a good idea. It’s the brain that steps forward to hold us back by second-guessing our ideas.
Unlocking the Comfort Zone Brain
Another part of the brain that fights against this abundant thinking and creativity is the comfort zone brain – it’s the one that just loves to be busy – doing the easy stuff – answering emails or whatever it is in your day that is mindless and keeps you busy but does not take you very far.
Getting Creative
The way I unlock my ‘inspired to win’ entrepreneur brain on a daily basis is by starting my day with something inspirational like reading an exciting, new book that gets me fired up or listening to a meditation that I know that will put me in the right, confident mindset.
Whatever you choose, I suggest you start every day with a deliberate intention to be inspired to win because that will help you to unlock the magic you need to bring success into your life.