
Let Go of Old Ways

“Healthy, vigorous growth requires us to let go of the old to make way for the new.”

Is old out-dated thinking holding you back? Are you frustrated with your lack of growth?

Just like a garden, new growth needs space – and we need to remove the old plants and the weeds before we plant a fresh crop. In the same way, we need to clear space in our minds, and in our lives to create way for the new.

This clearing out is especially important in today’s fast-changing world, where thinking quickly becomes outdated and if we aren’t careful, the world will move on without us.

Catherine Wijnberg Fetola Growth Mindset Model

This growth mindset model will help you turn fresh thinking into action and growth.

Step 1:

Identify the old idea you would like to let go of. This can be a personal belief, or a company belief that no longer serves you or your customers.

Step 2:

Decide on the action you will take to release this idea. Make a commitment to stop what no longer serves you, for example to stop repeating a phrase, or stop marketing a product

Step 3:

Identify a new idea that inspires you. This might arise from your daily self- study, or perhaps a conference or social media.

Step 4:

Decide and commit to the action you will take to implement this new idea. This could be to study an area of specialisation, to conduct some client research or to put your hand up for a new role.

Step 5:

Lastly, define the new growth or personal change you are inspired to achieve in this way. Write it down. Be specific – SMART goals’ generate results.

If you struggle with change or are feeling stuck, it’s best to start with small ideas and commit to small actions. Monitor your daily and weekly progress and see how the fresh ideas inspire you and those around you to embrace the new and changing future with fresh enthusiasm.