Think before you quit
“The art to success is knowing when to quit.”
I was recently given a book entitled “Quit. The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away”. It’s filled with stories from athletes, entrepreneurs and entertainers who succeeded because they knew when and how to quit.
It’s not an easy book for me to read as in my core I am not a quitter. But I have learnt that when the red flags of warning are flapping madly it is foolish to ignore them.
In asking this question “Is it time to quit?” (and you may need help from a mentor or adviser to help you see past your fears). You will find two pathways – one will reassure you not to quit as that you are indeed on the right path, and the other will confirm the wisdom of quitting.
If that is the answer then the most important action is to make a decision, because success is knowing when to quit and then to do so quickly. Quick quitting will allow you to recover quickly and pivot into something new.
Failure happens when you wait too long and quit too late, having dug yourself such a deep hole that it’s difficult to climb out.
So, let me say again that I am not a quitter, but I have learnt to walk away from the things in life that hold me back, make me sick or reach a dead end. And strangely enough, every time I have got to the point of wanting to quit and looking the options in the eye, new horizons have opened up, and fresh energy and enthusiasm with it.
So, if you feel you are sinking perhaps it’s time to find a friend and mentor and ask that important question, ‘Is it time to quit, or not?’ Because the answer may bring fresh energy and a new direction towards your ultimate success goal.