
Time To Reignite Your Life!

“The simple pleasure of dreaming can inspire and delight the soul”

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Time to reignite your life!

A good chunk of our annual Fetola strategy day is always focused on the individual people within the team. We do this before we launch into the company strategy as, in my experience, a company is only as good as those who are aligned with its goals and purpose.

Last year, each person did a personal “vision board” – a fun, inspiring exercise in which you get to create the life you want (and are creating) in picture form. We held our strategy day at a lovely mini-conference centre surrounded by trees and a lush garden. There were people scattered all around the room, cutting and sticking images from the glossy magazines we had collected. It was an hour of pure pleasure as everyone had a chance to focus on visualising and expressing their life dream.

One of the blessings of COVID-19 is that it forces us all to re-examine our lives and consider if we are living the life we were born to live. It’s easy to get off course and even a slight misalignment can be the source of frustration, lack of success, and in the extreme, depression, and even illness.

Maybe this week you too can encourage your team, your family, and yourself to do an easy exercise such as cutting and pasting pictures on a vision board, to reignite your delight in life!

Have a fabulous week.

With kind regards,
