In our 2025 SAB Foundation Tholoana Enterprise Programme awards, women won all the performance awards. I find this remarkable, given that the programme has equal numbers of women and men, and awards are based solely on performance with no ‘extra ...
The leadership section of our transformation and planning workshops are always great fun. We get to poke a little fun at global leaders we don’t like and look deeper into the traits of leaders that we admire and then reflect ...
What a great pleasure it is for me to stand in front of the new cohort of promising SMEs from all over the country at the Personal Transformation and Strategic Development workshop for Cohort 17 of the SAB Foundation Tholoana ...
An entrepreneur’s mindset is a wonderful asset. The disposition to do what needs to be done, take accountability for one’s own actions and turn an idea into reality.
If you have been in my network for a while you will be familiar with my maxim “It's not enough to have a good idea, it’s the implementation that matters most”
Almost everyone I chat to has either set goals or is busy setting goals for the year. Big, vision- driven intentions and key performance indicators for the business and game-changing plans for personal life.
As a leader I’ve often noticed how the young people on my team that ask questions and step forward into the world with curiosity seem to be the ones that get ahead.
How many times have you been frustrated that something you said, or wrote has been misunderstood? I’ve often joked that the troubles of the world could all be avoided if only we got better at communicating. And anyone in a ...
There has been a lot of talk recently about overload but not a lot about abundance, lightness and joy. Let's start getting into the end of year spirit with four ways turn up the energy.
Every business goes journey is one of highs and lows. If we look at a company such as Pick n Pay, for so many years the leader in South African retail and now struggling to stay abreast of changes in ...
Last week I had the great pleasure to attend the Entrepreneur of the Year awards by Business Partners. It was a really inspirational evening, listening to the stories of entrepreneur challenges...