
Let’s Take Control Back Of Our Life

“Our true value is measured, not in Rands and cents, but in love, care and kindness.”

At this time of year life can feel a bit overwhelming. The holidays have upset our balance and given us time to think, or rethink our purpose, yet when we return to real life with its multiple expectations and stresses, it’s hard to translate this need for change into a tangible plan. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, rudderless or even completely hopeless and depressed. 

In my experience two things can help. The first is routine. This can be a routine you set for yourself, or the routine of work, school or even your church. There is a comfort in settling into a rhythm, just as we breathe in and out, or our heart beats a constant rhythm.

The second is to create what psychologists call ‘agency’: actively choosing to live with intentionality. There are many different ways to do this, but for me the most helpful are:

  1. Choose who influences your thinking. We are very influenced by the people around us – their opinions and their energy. Make a decision to attract more positive people and remove the negative.

  2. Stay physical. Exercise releases feel-good hormones and helps us feel strong and virtuous. Remember that 5 minutes of exercise is better than no minutes – and keep a record to see how you progress.

  3. Eat mindfully. We are what we eat, and drink, so make a choice to do so in a way that is good for you.

  4. Become a student. You might think of signing up for a course, but more than that, if you make a decision that you are a life-long learner, you will stay open to new ideas. This will allow you to cultivate a gentle attitude to your mistakes as simply being part of your learning journey.

  5. Master your emotions. The only thing in life that we are truly in control of is our emotions. We can choose to be happy or sad, angry or reflective. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Practicing mindfulness or meditation helps to build this ability, and improves the mastery of your emotions.

This week, I am aware that while some people are feeling fabulous and excited about the year ahead, others are overwhelmed, anxious and even despondent. Now is a good time to reach out to your friends and family, your work colleagues and community to remind yourself and them that our true value is measured, not in Rands and cents, but in love, care and kindness.