I have become increasingly aware over the past weeks how our frantic pace of life has resulted in a huge build-up of pent up anxieties and tension, which affect...
The ability to make people feel comfortable, relaxed and trusting is an important skill in business. This is especially important when your business wants to nurture long-lasting client relationships.
This weekly message is my opportunity to share what is important to me and my hope that in some small way it encourages you to find and express yourself...
This year has been a whirlwind of back-to-back Zoom meetings and it’s hard to see what has been achieved because we are constantly stuck in our To-Do lists. I...
I used to think that fear was a bad thing, but acknowledging that fear or anxiety can help you move forward and decide what actions need to be taken.
I used to think that fear was a bad thing, but acknowledging that fear or anxiety can help you move forward and decide what actions need to be taken.
Zoom has become the culture of 2021 and like many cultures - we all have our ways. But which do you prefer - cameras on or off?
A To-Do List is a great to help you focus, but when you have an endless list of tasks to get through it can be extremely overwhelming. These habits...
The thing about bad habits is that they are much easier to spot in others than in ourselves! This list of a few bad leadership skills will help you...
How many of you get a thrill out of solving a problem or completing a mammoth to-do list? Living for these kinds of situations can lead to burnout and...