
First Make Friends

“People don’t care what you know, until they know that you care: Mentor to Millions.”

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First Make Friends

I’ve just finished reading the book Mentor to Millions by Kevin Harrington and Mark Timm and of the many nuggets of advice around managing one’s family as a business, and managing one’s business as a family, one quote: “People don’t care what you know, until they know that you care” stuck with me.

It feels like a reminder that we do business with people, and people like to feel seen and heard as individuals.

Those who are naturally good connectors – the type of person that strikes up a chatty conversation with strangers and is inherently sociable will know this automatically. Others, who might find small talk tricky (like me!) have to remind themselves to make friends first, before diving into the details.

The ability to make people feel comfortable, relaxed and trusting is an important skill in business. This is especially important when your business wants to nurture long-lasting client relationships.

Face it, we would all prefer to do business with someone who appears to genuinely care about our needs than with someone that just seems to want to sign the deal and make a quick buck.

So, if you are struggling with sales, step back a moment and ask yourself – how can I genuinely care for this client, and how much better would our trust-levels and pleasure in working together be? It maybe as simple as listening to their stories and getting to know them a little more intimately so that when you work with them you are closer to caring how your solutions make a real difference to them.

With that in mind – I always love to hear how these messages ‘hit the spot”… or don’t!

Very best wishes for a fabulous week!