In this crazy busy time of year, it’s hard to fit everything into the daily diary and the thought of ‘taking a moment’ to begin casting one’s eye forward...
Covid has done something to our expectation for work. Back in the old days we used to have natural breaks in the working day – walking to the tea...
I love this quote by Tony Robbins, best known for his iconic book Money: master the game because it’s the last thing I expect to hear from the author of a...
Humans are notoriously bad at acting on future predictions - the problem is less the crystal ball into the future and more the commitment and courage to act on...
It’s always tough when people leave, but as leaders we must manage the practical and emotional cost. Businesses everywhere are facing what is being called the “Great Resignation” –...
Customer service is the reason many clients stay with (or leave) a brand. Have you ever stopped to consider how the client who complains is an asset to you?...
The journey from good to great takes more than passion. There comes a time for many entrepreneurs when we feel tired of muddling along in the middle and we...
For a small business to grow, order must replace chaos. I am best known as an entrepreneur and small business specialist. It is the way I think and act....