The news from last night has South Africans feeling a little despondent, but remember to be gentle with yourself and seek the support of a close friend or loved...
Athletes who win Olympic gold medals aren’t deterred by boredom - that’s when they push through. It’s the same in business and those who reach mastery don’t falter when...
South Africa’s youth unemployment problem is not just a governmental or an educational problem - it’s a personal issue. This situation needs a fresh and radical approach. What are...
It’s no secret that healthy habits lead to healthier lives, but James Clear’s book Atomic Habits has been serving me with rich ideas on healthy habits.
I paraglide despite my fear of heights, but this fear and anxiety can creep into all areas of your life. A podcast by Heike Hamann helped me find my...
Write down what you’ve done well at the end of each day and build your self-respect and confidence daily. These small reminders remind you of how far you have...
What is your relationship with money like? Do you hold it close to you or does the thought send fear running through your body? Tony Robbins’s book, Money: Master...
Did you know that Bill Gates's strategy for recruiting was to find someone lazy? It's easy to think that being busy is better. But is it?
The 40:70 Rule is new to me, but is accredited to Colin Powell – American Secretary of State and a four-star military general. The rule is the guideline he...
Tomorrow’s public holiday is a reminder that leaders need rest days too if we are to stay mentally sharp.